Blindside: 4 Stars
Blind Faith Series: 4.5 Stars
I enjoyed so many things about this book. Mark is one of my favorite MCs ever. He is funny as hell, confident, is an incredibly supportive friend and is
completely clueless about his own needs. Mark is one of the few people who could confuse falling in love and having his heart broken with having the flu.
I also liked Will. He dealt with Mark the best that he could taking Mark's anti-relationship stand seriously and deals with being friend-zoned the best that he can.
Of course the reader knows early on what both of these MCs are denying. The question becomes how much UST can you personally as a read stand? If the MCs are still dancing around each other at 30% is that okay? 50%? 75%? 95%? Without giving away when the actual "giving in" to the relationship occurred, I will say it took too long for me. But that is purely personal preference I suppose.
We also got to see quite a bit of Isaac and Carter here. I am glad that they got more than just a cameo appearance but also didn't compete for center stage. I am thrilled that their wedding was part of this story.
As far as the overall series goes it was strong start to finish. There were no disappointments, no inconsistencies.
Plus reading the books somewhat simultaneously with my most of my favorite crew, Garrett, Sandra, Pher and Catherine, is always a bonus.