
After finishing my lit degree, I completely stopped reading.  I had lost the ability to read for pleasure.  But in early 2013 I discovered reading could be social.  And in the autumn of 2013 I discovered MM romances and that reading could be downright HOT.  I haven't stopped reading since!


I live on Goodreads but I promise to figure out Booklikes eventually.

Tread Marks & Trademarks

Tread Marks & Trademarks - S.A. McAuley OH YEAH. If ever a book was written just for me, this was it. I am surprised the dedication didn't say "For Mishy, cuz I know what you like."


SA McCauley, if you release book two for my birthday, then I will know for sure that you had me in mind when you wrote this. Just wrap Alex, I mean the book, no I mean Alex, in a big red bow and we will be set.

It has been so long since I have fallen head over heels in love with an MC. I am not talking lust. I am talking love. Alex was perfect. He had a few less than perfect moments but he is perfect in his imperfection. Sometimes so sweetly innocent. Sometimes quite dirty.

And Christian was the perfect counterpoint to Alex. Sexy and cocky but with his own baggage and insecurities.

The connection between Alex and his brother Micah, the dynamic between Micah and his boyfriend JT, the 4 of them teaming up to take on the world, all incredible. Go Team Maker Jock.

And the surprise at the end? *swoons*


The fact that these men communicated and were honest with their emotions? That there was no BIG misunderstanding? Bonus points.

Side note: This is my first SA McCauley book that didn't make me cry or weird me out with some other worldly twist. It wasn't as poetic as some of her other stuff either. But no matter. It was awesome.

4.5 sexy geeky stars

Currently reading

Maybe Matt's Miracle
Tammy Falkner
The Family We Make
Kaje Harper
Steamed Up
Amy Rae Durreson, Eli Easton, Bell Ellis, Kim Fielding, Anka Grace, R.D. Hero, Mark Lesney, Augusta Li, Mary Pletsch, Angelia Sparrow, Layla M. Wier
Double Up
Vanessa North
Hot Head
Damon Suede