
After finishing my lit degree, I completely stopped reading.  I had lost the ability to read for pleasure.  But in early 2013 I discovered reading could be social.  And in the autumn of 2013 I discovered MM romances and that reading could be downright HOT.  I haven't stopped reading since!


I live on Goodreads but I promise to figure out Booklikes eventually.

A Bar Tender Tale

A Bar Tender Tale - Melanie Tushmore This is another one where Jake Bass was giving the leading role in my imagination. (One track mind I know)


I don't think I loved this one as much as everyone else did. I liked it but I didn't love it.

I liked that Nathan knew exactly what he wanted and wasn't afraid to go and get it. His inability to understand Auryn's need to take things slow felt age appropriate and added just enough tension to the story. The way Nathan constantly misread Auryn's intentions and took everything so personally made him real to me.

Unfortunately, I kinda felt like this book was more or less the Nathan show and Auryn was just there as his counterpoint. I would have liked to have gotten to know Auryn a bit better and to see both sides of the relationship.

Overall, this was a quick easy read. IMHO, good but not fantastic.


Currently reading

Maybe Matt's Miracle
Tammy Falkner
The Family We Make
Kaje Harper
Steamed Up
Amy Rae Durreson, Eli Easton, Bell Ellis, Kim Fielding, Anka Grace, R.D. Hero, Mark Lesney, Augusta Li, Mary Pletsch, Angelia Sparrow, Layla M. Wier
Double Up
Vanessa North
Hot Head
Damon Suede